Torrington Blue Ribbon Commission
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday July 19, 2011
Torrington City Hall, 5 PM Office of the Mayor
Members Present: Elinor Carbone, Ken Traub, Lorel Purcell, Mike Clark, and Doug O’Connell; also present: advisor Mayoral Aide Stephen Nocera.
- The meeting was opened at 5:07 PM on a motion by Ms. Purcell, seconded by Mr. Traub.
- Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of 06.07.11 was made on a motion by Ms. Carbone, seconded by Ms. Purcell, and unanimously approved by the commission.
- Ms. Purcell reviewed/ updated the BRC task list and schedule:
- Mr. Clark stated that the task group studying PAYT trash management had met with Jerry Rollett, City Public Works Director, Robin Bennet and Jennifer Weymouth of the CT DEP and would soon meet with Waste Zero representative Mike LaPorte. He stated that the DEP had left a considerable amount of information with the task group outlining recommended steps for program implementation. Mr. Clark stated that his initial review of materials reinforced the need for strict guidelines, public education and direct supervision of the program. He stated that it would be several months before a draft review would be presented to the full BRC and that a great deal of analysis had yet to be performed.
- Bid/Purchasing lists from the BOE have been completed and costed; the next step is to overlay/merge it with the City’s data and find common areas of purchasing with resultant cost savings. Ms. Purcell stated that she had contacted the City Purchasing agent and expected her list with costs would be available by available by 7/27, and a task group meeting would then be scheduled to analyze the merged information
- Mr. Traub stated that analysis of cooperative purchasing among the City’s four fire fighting departments was progressing with specific emphasis placed on incorporating the direct involvement of all fire officials involved. He stated that a recommendation for BRC review would be available in early October. Ms. Carbone asked if the final recommendation would be presented as a BRC recommendation; Mr. Traub replied that it would.
- Mr. Traub stated that he was waiting for a response from some City department heads regarding City equipment redundancy and/or utilization. Mr. Nocera offered to work with Mr. Traub to accelerate responses if necessary.
- Ms Purcell requested that Mr. O’Connell join her task group reviewing a citywide energy audit. Mr. O’Connell agreed and suggested that it might be worthwhile to commission a professional audit as well. Mr. Traub stated that the BOE had done that and were satisfied that the results justified the expense.
- Mr. Nocera stated that the task group reviewing a shared facilities manager between the City and BOE would have a recommendation in place for BRC review by late August
4. Other Business:
- Mr. Clark informed the group that Mr. Cook had resigned from the commission citing the need to devote more time to his business.
- Mr. Clark expressed his personal and commission’s loss at the departure of Superintendent Leone and his numerous contributions to the work of the BRC.
5. The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 PM on a motion by Ms Carbone, seconded by Mr. Traub and approved by the commission.
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